Columbus, Indiana

Nexus Park - GSC 400/600 Series - Custom Exterior Branding

Enhancing Navigation at Nexus Park: Our Latest Signage Installation We’re excited to showcase our recent work at Nexus Park in Columbus, Indiana! This project highlights the importance of well-designed signage in creating a seamless and enjoyable visitor experience. Our team at Green Sign Company designed and installed a series of custom lit and non-lit directional signs tailored to the unique needs of Nexus Park. These signs provide clear, easy-to-follow directions while adding a touch of modern style to this bustling community space. Whether it’s daytime or nighttime, the combination of illuminated and non-illuminated signs ensures that visitors can navigate the park with ease. Crafted with durability and functionality in mind, these signs are designed to withstand the elements while maintaining their vibrant appearance. At Green Sign Company, we believe in delivering signage solutions that not only serve a purpose but also enhance the overall environment. The Nexus Park directional signage is a perfect example of our commitment to blending aesthetics with practicality. Looking to elevate your space with custom signage? Contact us today to discuss your project! #GreenSignCompany #NexusPark #DirectionalSigns #SignageSolutions #CustomDesign #ColumbusIndiana

Burger King (Taylorsville, IN) - GSC 600/750 Series - Custom Restaurant Lighted Signs

🍔✨ Brightening up Taylorsville, one sign at a time! We're thrilled to have just completed the installation of vibrant lighted wall signs and a custom lighted pylon cabinet for Burger King! Now, you can spot your favorite Whopper stop from miles away! 🙌🔥 Big shoutout to our amazing team for bringing this project to life. If you're driving through Taylorsville, IN, swing by and check it out!

Burger King (25th Street - Columbus, IN) - GSC 600/750 Series - Custom Restaurant Lighted Signs

🌟 Exciting news! 🌟 Green Sign Company just completed the installation of brand-new wall signs and a stunning pylon sign at Burger King on 25th Street in Columbus, Indiana 🍔. These new signs feature Burger King’s fresh new logo, bringing a bold, modern look to this iconic location. Drive by and check it out!

Ceraland Park - GSC 600 Series - Custom Internally Illuminated Park Main ID Sign

Our team installed this custom Internally Illuminated Park Main ID for Ceraland Park in Columbus, IN! Ceraland Park had reached out to our team needing a new sign for their park entrance. Our account rep. for their area met with them on location to discuss their goals and ideas for the new sign! This information was brought back to our design team who used this information to create custom layouts for the Ceraland Park team to review. Once they approved a design, our production team began making the sign! This sign is park of our GSC 600 Series! After production was complete, our install team took the sign to site and installed it!

BCSC Parkside Elementary School - GSC 400 Series - Custom School Main ID & Directional Signs

Check out this recently completed project for BCSC Parkside Elementary in Columbus, Indiana! For some time now, we've been helping BCSC rebrand the schools within their school corporation. Across the school corporation, you'll notice that while all schools have the same build, they're each unique to their specific school. For Parkside Elementary School, that means a black and yellow color scheme and their mascot! We couldn't be more thankful to have been a part of all of these projects!

Legacy Commercial Property - GSC 650 Series - Custom Internal Illuminated Multi-Tenant

The team at Legacy Commercial Property reached out needing to update their Internally Illuminated Multi-Tenant Sign! Our account rep. for the area met with them to discuss their goals for the updated sign. All this information was brought back to our design team who used this information to create custom design layouts for the Legacy Commercial Property team to review! Once they approved a design, our production team began making the signs! This sign is part of our GSC 650 Series. After production was complete, our install team took the signs to site and installed them!

BCSC Columbus North High School - GSC 675 - 750 Series - Custom School Scoreboard

Just in time for the upcoming school year, BCSC Columbus North High School reached out wanting to replace their scoreboard! Our account rep. for their area met with their team to discuss their goals and ideas for the new scoreboard! They also took measurements and photos of the install area. All this information was brought back to our design team who used this information to create custom design layouts for the BCSC team to review! Once they approved a design, our production team started building the sign! This sign is part of our GSC 675-750 Series Custom Digital Scoreboards! After production was complete, our install team took the sign to site and installed it!

BCSC Columbus East High School - GSC 675 Series - Custom School Scoreboard

Just in time for the upcoming school year, BCSC Columbus East High School reached out wanting to replace their scoreboard! Our account rep. for their area met with their team to discuss their goals and ideas for the new scoreboard! They also took measurements and photos of the install area. All this information was brought back to our design team who used this information to create custom design layouts for the BCSC team to review! Once they approved a design, our production team started building the sign! This sign is part of our GSC 675-750 Series Custom Digital Scoreboards! After production was complete, our install team took the sign to site and installed it!

Aqua Systems - GSC 750 Series - Custom Internally Illuminated Channel Letters

Recently, our team completed this project for Aqua Systems in Columbus, IN! The customer reached out needing a set of channel letters for their business! Our account rep. for their area met with them to discuss their goals and ideas for the new sign! This information was brought back to our design team who used it to create custom design layouts for the Aqua Systems team to review! Once they approved a design, our production team began making the sign! This sign is part of our GSC 750 Series Internally Illuminated Channel Letters. After production was complete, our install team took the sign to site and installed it!

Dirty Dough - GSC 750 Series - Custom Internally Illuminated Channel Letters

Friends, if you're in the Columbus Area, go give Dirty Dough a try!! The team over at Dirty Dough reached out needing a new sign for their new location in Columbus! Our account rep. for their area met with them to discuss their goals and ideas for the new sign! This information was brought back to our design team who used it to create custom design layouts for the Dirty Dough team to review! Once they approved a design, our production team began making the sign! This sign is part of our GSC 750 Series Internally Illuminated Channel Letters! After production was complete, our install team took the sign to site and installed it!

Family Chiropractic & Wellness - GSC 400 Series - Custom Architectural Wall Sign & Main ID Sign

Our team recently completed this project for Family Chiropractic & Wellness in Columbus, IN!! They had reached out needing signs for their business! Our account rep. met with them to discuss their goals and idea of the new signs! This information was passed on to our design team so they could create custom design layouts for the customer to review! Once they approved a design, our production team began building the signs! This sign is part of our GSC 400 Series custom Architectural signs! After the signs was complete, our install team took the sign to site and installed it!

BCSC Operations Center - GSC 400 Series - Custom School Main ID Sign

You might remember that last year, we installed a bunch of new Main ID Signs for the schools in the Bartholomew Consolidated School District. This one was recently added to the mix! It is a GSC 400 Series Custom Architectural Main ID Sign! It's non-lit and looks amazing! We're so thankful for our friends over at BCSC for entrusting us with these sign projects! They all look wonderful!

BCSC Southside Elementary: Custom School Directional Signs

BCSC Southside Elementary School - GSC 400 Series - Custom School Directional Signs

We were tasked by Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. to do a district wide school branding update. Most all of the elementary schools in the district have received new main ID and directional signs. Southside Elementary was one of two schools in the district that received a new main ID sign a while ago, so they just received the directional signs. All of the signs are specific to the school they are for. Each school's signs are differentiated by their school colors.

BCSC CSA Lincoln: Custom School Wall Sign

BCSC CSA Lincoln Elementary School - GSC 400 Series - Custom School Wall ID Sign

Here's another recently completed project for the BCSC school district. As mentioned in our other BCSC school posts, our #1 task with these projects was to maintain consistency throughout the school district while making the signs unique to each school! This was achieved by using the school's colors and mascot at each location! Congratulations BCSC CSA Lincoln Elementary on your new signs! Thank you for your partnership!!

BCSC Columbus East High School - GSC 300 Series - Custom School Dimensional Wall Sign

BCSC Columbus East High School - GSC 400 Series - Custom School Main ID Sign

BCSC Columbus East High School - GSC 400 Series - Custom School Directional Signs

BCSC Columbus North High School - GSC 200 Series - Custom School ADA Signs

BCSC Information Service Center - GSC 400 Series - Custom School Main ID Sign

Here's another recently completed project for the BCSC school district. As mentioned in our other BCSC school posts, our #1 task with these projects was to maintain consistency throughout the school district while making the signs unique to each school! This was achieved by using the school's colors and mascot at each location! For this location though, we used the district's colors.

BCSC Rockcreek Elementary School: Custom School Main ID & Directional Signs

BCSC Rockcreek Elementary School - GSC 400 Series - Custom School Main ID & Directional Signs

Here's another recently completed project for the BCSC school district. As mentioned in our other BCSC school posts, our #1 task with these projects was to maintain consistency throughout the school district while making the signs unique to each school! This was achieved by using the school's colors and mascot at each location!

BCSC Taylorsville: Custom School Main ID Sign & Directionals

BCSC Taylorsville - GSC 400 Series - Custom School Main ID Signs & Directionals

Up next on our BCSC School Sign update, BCSC Taylorsville Elementary School!! As mentioned in our other BCSC school posts, our #1 task with these projects was to maintain consistency throughout the school district while making the signs unique to each school! This was achieved by using the school's colors and mascot at each location!

BCSC CSA Fodrea: Custom Architectural School Signs

BCSC CSA Fodrea - GSC 400 Series - Custom Architectural School Signs

Here's another project that we recently completed for BCSC Schools! We were tasked with designing custom non-lit signs that were unique each school in the school corporation while also making sure the signs were consistent from school to school. To achieve this, each school's signs are the same overall design with their school colors and mascot being what differentiates them! For CSA Fodrea, we install Wall ID's, a Main ID, and directional signs.

BCSC W.D. Richards Elementary: Custom School Directional Signs

Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation - Branding Solutions

BCSC Columbus East High School: Custom Mesh School Banner

BCSC Columbus East High School - GSC 110 Series - Custom Mesh School Banner

Recently, we've been working with Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. on a lot of of projects for their school district. Among those projects was this one for Columbus East High School. Our team designed, made, and installed these custom mesh banners for the High School! They turned out amazing!!

Flambeau: Custom Individual Letters & Logo

Flambeau - GSC 300 Series - Custom Individual Letters & Logo

Here's the final look after a recent install at Flambeau in Columbus, IN!! Our customer reached out needing a new sign for their building! Our account rep. for their area met with them on location to discuss their plans for the new sign and to take measurements and photos of the install location! All this information was passed on to our design team who used it to create custom designed layouts for the Flambeau team to review! Once they approved their design, our production team began making the custom signs! These signs are part of our GSC 300 Series! These types of signs is commonly found on industrial and manufacturing facilities! After the signs were complete, our install team took the signs to site and installed them!!

BCSC Rockcreek Elementary School: Custom Perforated School Window Graphics

BCSC Rockcreek Elementary School - GSC 100 Series - Custom School Perforated Window Graphics

Here's a recently completed project for BCSC Rockcreek Elementary School in Columbus, IN! This is just one of many projects we have in the works for the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. For this project, our account rep. visited the location and took photos and measurements of the install location. All this information was given to our design team who used it to create custom design layouts for the BCSC team to approve. Once they approved a design, our production team got started making the custom graphics. These graphics are part of our GSC 100 Series. After the graphics were complete, our install team took the graphics to site and installed them.

Western & Southern Life: Custom Insurance Firm Lighted Channel Letters

Western & Southern Life - GSC 750 Series - Custom Insurance Firm Lighted Channel Letters

Western & Southern Life located in Columbus, IN reached out to our team needing a new lighted wall sign for their office!! Our Account Rep. met with them on site to discuss their goals & ideas for the new sign! They also took photos and measurements of the install location!! All this information was then brought back to our design team who used it to create a few different design options for the Western & Southern Life team to decide on. Once they approved a design, our production team began building the sign. This sign is a member of our GSC 750 Series - Internally Illuminated Channel Letters. This style of sign is great for businesses like this one that are located in a multi-tenant complex! After the sign was complete, our install team transported the sign to site and installed it!!

BCSC McDowell Education Center: Custom School Directory Sign

BCSC McDowell Education Center - GSC 400 Series - Custom Directional, Directory, & Wayfinding Signs

McDowell Education Center, part of the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation, reached out to our team needing new signage for the exterior of the their school. Our Account Representative met them on site to discuss their goals and ideas for the new signs. They also took pictures and measurements of the install locations. All this information was brought back to our design team who used it to create custom design options for the BCSC McDowell team to choose from. Once they approved their favorite design, our fabrication team got to work constructing the signs. These signs are a part of our GSC 300 & 400 Series signs. There's a Main ID sign, some directional, wayfinding, and directory signs. After the signs were complete, our install team took the signs to site and installed them.

BCSC McDowell Education Center: Custom School Main ID Sign

BCSC McDowell Education Center - GSC 400 Series - Custom Main ID Sign

McDowell Education Center, part of the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation, reached out to our team needing new signage for the exterior of the their school. Our Account Representative met them on site to discuss their goals and ideas for the new signs. They also took pictures and measurements of the install locations. All this information was brought back to our design team who used it to create custom design options for the BCSC McDowell team to choose from. Once they approved their favorite design, our fabrication team got to work constructing the signs. These signs are a part of our GSC 300 & 400 Series signs. There's a Main ID sign, some directional, wayfinding, and directory signs. After the signs were complete, our install team took the signs to site and installed them.

Ivy Tech Community College: Custom Interior Donor & Dedication Signs

Ivy Tech Community College (Columbus, IN) - GSC 200 Series - Custom Interior Donor & Dedication Sign

Ivy Tech Community College reached out to our team needing some custom Donor & Dedication Signs for their Moravec Hall in Columbus, Indiana! Their account rep. on our team met with them on location to talk about their plans for the signs and to take some measurements. This information was then brought back to our design team who used the information to create a couple of different design options for the Ivy Tech team to choose from. The options are superimposed to give the customer an idea of what the proposed sign will look like after installation. After they chose their favorite design, our fabrication team got started building the signs. These signs are members of our GSC 200 Series. They are a brushed aluminum with black acrylic. Once the fabrication team was finished with the signs, our install team took them to site and installed them.

KPIT: Custom Internally Illuminated Channel Letters on Architectural Shoebox

KPIT - GSC 400 750 Series - Custom Internally Illuminated Channel Letters on Architectural Shoebox

KPIT located in Columbus, Indiana reached out to our team to have a sign made for their location. Our account rep. for this area met with the customer at their location to talk about what kind of sign they would like and to take measurements of the sign location. This information was then brought back to our design team who used the information to create a few different sign design options for the customer. After the customer approved of their perfect sign option, our fabrication team began building the sign! This sign is a combination of our GSC 400 & 750 Sign Series. It's a single sided shoebox with internally illuminated channel letters on the face. Once fabrication was complete, our install team took the sign to site and installed it!

Northview Assembly of God Church: Custom Non-Lit Church Wall Sign - Columbus Indiana

Northview Assembly of God Church - GSC 300 Sign - Custom Non-Lit Wall ID Sign

Northview Assembly of God Church in Columbus, Indiana reached out to the GSC team needing some signs for their church. Our account rep. for their area met with them on site and discussed their ideas and goals for their new signs! They then took surveys of the install sites and measurements so that our team could put together the best sign designs with the space allowed. All this information was brought back to our team and used for multiple different processes. Our permit coordinator took the information and researched the sign regulations for Columbus so that our design team would know what their restrictions would be for the signs. This permit research was then handed over to our design team so they could create custom options to be presented to the Northview team. Once they had chosen their favorite design and approved it, our fabrication team got to work building the signs. There are two different signs here. The first one is a GSC 300 Series sign. It's a non-lit sign that was made from polymetal with digitally printed graphics applied to it. The second sign is a GSC 600 Series sign. It's a double sided internally illuminated sign made of aluminum, LEDs, automotive grade paint, and a translucent polycarbonate. The polycarbonate has custom digitally printed graphics applied to it as well so when the light shines through it, the Northview colors will show. After fabrication, our install team took the sign to site and installed it.

Northview Assembly of God Church: Custom Internally Illuminated Church Sign - Columbus Indiana

Northview Assembly of God Church - GSC 600 Series - Internally Illuminated Main ID Church Sign

Northview Assembly of God Church in Columbus, Indiana reached out to the GSC team needing some signs for their church. Our account rep. for their area met with them on site and discussed their ideas and goals for their new signs! They then took surveys of the install sites and measurements so that our team could put together the best sign designs with the space allowed. All this information was brought back to our team and used for multiple different processes. Our permit coordinator took the information and researched the sign regulations for Columbus so that our design team would know what their restrictions would be for the signs. This permit research was then handed over to our design team so they could create custom options to be presented to the Northview team. Once they had chosen their favorite design and approved it, our fabrication team got to work building the signs. There are two different signs here. The first one is a GSC 300 Series sign. It's a non-lit sign that was made from polymetal with digitally printed graphics applied to it. The second sign is a GSC 600 Series sign. It's a double sided internally illuminated sign made of aluminum, LEDs, automotive grade paint, and a translucent polycarbonate. The polycarbonate has custom digitally printed graphics applied to it as well so when the light shines through it, the Northview colors will show. After fabrication, our install team took the sign to site and installed it.

Cummins Aviation Hanger: Custom Internally Illuminated Main ID Sign

Cummins Aviation Hanger - GSC 600 Series - Custom Internally Illuminated Main ID Sign

Cummins, one of our long time friends and partners, had refurbish this sign that we had done for them a while back. We installed new Cummins faces and LEDs, repainted it, and then installed it in a new location. The red portions of the sign are aluminum with automotive grade paint and the white portions are embossed polycarbonate that are translucent. At night, the white portions will become luminated! The freshly updated sign looks amazing!

Columbus Youth Camp: Custom Cabin ID Signs

Columbus Youth Camp - GSC 400 Series - Custom Cabin ID Signs

Columbus Youth Camp, located in Columbus, IN, reached out needing Cabin ID Signs and Trail Signs! After meeting with our area representative, their team began working with our design team on the custom designs. Once they approved their design, it got sent off to our in-house production team. These signs are a part of our GSC 300 Series. They are made with painted aluminum and are topped with vinyl graphics to bring it to life! Then, after the finishing touches were added, our install team took the signs to the job location and installed them!

Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation: Custom Interior Wall Sign

Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation - GSC 200 Series - Custom Interior Wall Sign

The BCSC team was looking for a way to honor their employees of the month! Our team worked with theirs to come up with a custom interior wall sign design that could be utilized to honor these special people every month. Once we had their approval on the design, our in-house production team got to work on building the custom sign. After the sign was complete, our install team took the sign to the job location and installed it! This custom sign incorporates vinyl, brushed aluminum, and acrylic.

My Sweet Baby Ultrasounds: Custom Internally Illuminated Channel Letters

My Sweet Baby Ultrasounds - GSC 750 Series - Custom Internally Illuminated Channel Letters

When My Sweet Baby Ultrasounds was preparing to open their business in Columbus, they reached out to our team because they needed signs for the new business. Our team worked with theirs to create a custom channel letters for the new business. Once we had their approval on a design, our production team got to work building the sign. Then, our install team took the sign to the job location and installed them. This sign is a part of our GSC 750 Series! It's internally illuminated so it's a great asset for the business at night!

Ziggie's Bar & Grill: Custom Internally Illuminated Restaurant Channel Letters

Ziggie's Bar & Grill - GSC 750 Series - Custom Restaurant Channel Letters

Ziggie's Bar & Grill, located in Columbus, IN, needed signs for their restaurant. After our sales team went out to meet with the customer and take a look at their business, our design team began working with the Ziggie's team to come up with a sign that suited their restaurant. Once we had their approval on a design, it went to our fabrication team to be constructed. Finally, it was ready for install. Our install technicians took the sign to location and installed the sign for the customer. This sign is a part of our GSC 750 Series. This sign series is where potential and existing customers will find Internally Illuminated Channel Letters. This sign will help customers of the restaurant locate it with ease in their travels and it will aid Ziggie's staff in promoting the restaurant and getting new customers to enter.

Columbus North High School: Custom Reverse Halo Lit Sign

Columbus North High School - GSC 750 Series - Custom Interior Reverse Halo Logo Wall Sign

Columbus North High School came to us looking for something that they could add to their school's interior to "spruce it up" a little. We worked with their team to come up with ideas of what would be a great addition to their school and arrived at this sign. Our design team put together the artwork and once it was approved by Columbus North, it was sent to our in-house production team to start fabricating the sign. After the construction was complete, our install team packaged the sign for travel, took it to the install location, and install the sign. This sign is a part of our GSC 750 Series because it is a reverse halo lit channel logo wall sign. It's internally illuminated but instead of the light being diffused through the face of the sign, it bounces off the face and shines off of what it's mounted to.

Bored? Games! - GSC 750 Series - Custom Channel Logo

Bored? Games! - GSC 750 Series - Custom Channel Logo

What a Fun Project! This one included logo design as well and to say it looks great is an understatement! Such a fun and creative way to brand a game store. This sign is a part of our GSC 750 Series. It's an internally illuminated channel logo so just it'll just as amazing at night as it does during the day!

Columbus North High School: Custom Wayfinding Signs

Columbus North High School - GSC 400 Series - Custom Wayfinding Signs

Columbus North High School was in need of signs to help navigate their school drives and parking lot and we were happy to assist. After meeting with them to discuss their needs and design ideas, our designers got to work creating signs that would look amazing on their school property. GSC was able to come up with custom architectural post panel signs that incorporate the school colors and their mascot. Overall, they turned out amazing and are sure to help navigate the school drives and parking lots with ease.

Stow N Go Self-Storage - Main ID Sign with Electronic Message Center

Stow N Go Self Storage - GSC 600E Series - Internally Illuminated Main ID with EMC

This job was a fun project to complete! We had a customer call us needing a sign for a new set of Storage Units in Columbus, IN. We were able to help him out by coming up with a creative idea for an Internally Illuminated Main ID with an Electronic Message Center (EMC). This sign is going to be multi useful! Adding an EMC to a main ID sign allows for the business to advertise important messages and information with current and potential customers. Specifically in the self-storage industry, owners can share how many available units they have and their prices. This will product will have a tremendous ROI and looks amazing all around!!

BCSC - Columbus Virtual Pathways - Single Sided Internally Illuminated Wall ID Signs

BCSC - Columbus Virtual Pathway - GSC 600 Series - Internally Illuminated Wall ID Signs

Bartholomew County School Corporation has been an amazing customer of ours for just a short time now and we are always so fortunate to complete custom jobs for them. This one specifically, BCSC added a new program and were needing signs. In this area of Columbus, it wouldn't have been efficient to install anything other than a wall sign. The signs that were installed are internally illuminated single sided wall ID signs. These signs look as amazing in the night hours as they do the day.

Clifty Creek Elementary School - Custom Architectural Post Panel Directional Signs

Clifty Creek Elementary School - GSC 400 Series - Custom Directional Signs

To go along with their new Main ID sign, Clifty Creek Elementary School had us build some directional signs that match the style of the Main ID. These directional signs will be a great tool for the school because they will assist with the flow of before/after school traffic in and out of the school drive. The directional signs are also architectural post panel signs. They are fabricated with aluminum, automotive grade paint with a nuance finish, and white vinyl. They truly turned out great!

Southside Elementary School Custom Main ID/Monument - GSC 400 Series

Southside Elementary School - GSC 400 Series - Custom Main ID/Monument Sign

Southside Elementary is another school within the Bartholomew County School Corporation. BCSC has been tackling some big projects here recently and has had us help them with many of their signs. For Southside, they needed a new monument sign to pull the property together. This sign is a custom double-sided architectural post panel sign. It's made with aluminum, automotive grade paint with a nuance finish, and PVC for the details. Overall, the sign turn out amazing and will be a great asset to Southside Elementary School and the rest of the Bartholomew Co. School Corp.

Clifty Creek Elementary School - Custom Main ID/Monument Sign

Clifty Creek Elementary School - GSC 400 Series - Custom Monument ID Sign

Clifty Creek Elementary School is within the Bartholomew County school district in Columbus, IN. The school corporation has been undergoing many different projects, this being one of them. They were looking for a sign that was simple, yet effective. They also wanted it to match their school colors! This sign is a custom build for the Bartholomew Co. School Corp. and it looks awesome. This sign is a double-sided Architectural Post Panel Sign. It is made complete with Aluminum, automotive grade paint with a nuance finish and PVC lettering.

450 North Brewing Company - Custom Main ID

450 North Brewing Co. - GSC 600 Series - Custom Internally Illuminated Main ID Sign

This project turned out...amazing!! For this custom internally illuminated sign, our design team was able to come up with a look that was unique specifically to this business and their industry! 450 North really made this sign their own by providing their own barrels for the sign! This project was a fun one for our team and was exciting to watch come to life.

Centra Credit Union - GSC 750 Series - Custom Trimless Channel Letters

Early in 2021, Green Sign Company's installation team traveled to Columbus, IN to installed Channel Letters for Centra Credit Union. Centra is a great partner of ours and we are so thankful that they have chosen us to help them with their sign at multiple different locations. For this job specifically, Centra chose to go with Trimless Channel Letters. Since this is a downtown Columbus location, the trimless channel letters will give the exterior of the building a clean, sharp look.

BCSC Soccer Complex - Custom Archway

BCSC Soccer Complex - GSC 300 & 400 Series - Custom Archway with Aluminum Banners

For this project, our team designed a custom archway for Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation. This Custom Archway was constructed using aluminum tubing to shape the Archway that includes a half soccer ball, vinyl lettering, and stone pillars. This is a creative way for BCSC to welcome people to the soccer complex and provide notice of where the soccer complex is located.

Grace Lutheran Church-GSC 600e Series-Main ID Monument Sign with EMC

This was an awesome project for GSC to work with Grace Lutheran on. They came to us wanting something that would look amazing to identify their church and at the same time something that would help them communicate quickly and efficiently with their church community members and others! We were happy to assist! They chose to go with a custom monument sign with an Electronic Message Center. This sign was made with aluminum, premium automotive grade paint, acrylic lettering, LED internal illumination, and one of our American Brand electronic message centers.

Columbus Youth Camp-GSC 400 Series-Custom Archway

Located in Columbus, Indiana, you will find this beautifully crafted archway. Entirely custom, the pillars are reinforced with concrete and rebar but finished to perfection! This custom archway was fabricated using steel and aluminum to create the arch. It was painted using our premium automotive grade paint to ensure a long lasting finish!

Summit Cleaners-GSC 600 Series-Internally Illuminated Sign

Internally Illuminated signs are perfect for grabbing customer attention both day and night! They allow for your sign to be easily seen and allow for your business to grab first impressions literally all day every day! They are also beneficial for businesses such as dentist offices, law offices, college and university campuses, and many other places! Our team is ready to help your business find the perfect custom sign for your business.

D R Real Estate-Subway-GSC 1000 Series-Custom Awning

Subway needed a custom awning, Green Sign Company was ready to help! At Green Sign Company, we offer many different materials, shapes, and sizing options to our customers so that they can go after the design that they are looking for. With the help of our design team, we can assist customers and businesses find their way to the perfect awning for their location!

Centra Credit Union - Branding Package

Centra Credit Union-GSC Branding Package-GSC 600 & 750 Series

When Centra Credit Union needed Branding work, Green Signs was able to help them from beginning to end. With our branding package, we were able to help them begin with design, go through fabrication, and end with installation at many of Centra's locations. Being able to be a one-stop-shop for Centra, helped us do the job quickly and with ease. This specific branding package was complete with GSC 750 Series Internally Illuminated Channel Letters, GSC 600 Series Main ID Pylon Signs, and GSC 775 Series Accent Lighting at various locations. Green Signs was very fortunate to work with such a great company like Centra Credit Union. #branding #banksigns #financesigns #custombranding

Anytime Fitness/Starbucks-GSC 650 Series-Internally Illuminated Multi-Tenant Sign

On one of the main and most busy streets of Columbus, Indiana, Green Sign Company had the opportunity to help design and install a sign that would provide notice for two businesses. This sign is a double side cabinet sign. It's constructed of aluminum finished with an automotive-grade paint and polycarbonate UV grade faces. It's also internally illuminated using premium low voltage LEDs. Being that the building is tucked away from the main road, this sign is sure to make it stand out and get the deserved attention. #starbucks #anytimefitness #multitenantsigns #columbus #litsigns

Dorel Hotels-Holiday Inn-GSC 400 Series-Interior Wayfinding Sign

Interior Wayfinding Signs like this one, are perfect for directing hotel guests to the right places. These signs are made with a double aluminum face and vinyl, making them super durable and long-lasting!

Donut Central-GSC 750 Series-Internally Illuminated Channel Letters

These channel letters are internally illuminated with premium low voltage LED's, have translucent vinyl graphics, and acrylic faces. With these channel letters, Donut Central can be seen both day and night. Check them out in Columbus, IN whenever you have your next donut craving. #donuts #channelletters #signs #GreenSignCo.

Faurecia Factory - Translucent Window Film - GSC 100 Series

A perfect solution for commercial windows to help keep the sun from shining into your facility. For this Faurecia location, we used 3M translucent window film to fix our clients problem. Green offers translucent, opaque and many other optioins to help fight the sun from entering your facility. We also offer custom awnings if that is the look you desire.

Conwell Construction & Trucking - Dump Truck 3M Graphics - GSC 100 & 900 Series

Longtime client, Conwell Construction has expanded into trucking materials with two new Peterbilt tri-axle dump trucks. Green Sign developed the Conwell Construction logo in the early '90s. Before decorating the new trucks, we did a few minor adjustments to update his trucking logo. The dump truck graphics are all premium 3M vinyl and completed the job with our certified vinyl graphics installation team. Green Signs thanks the Conwell Team for your ongoing business and congrats on your growth!

Green Guard Sneeze Guards - GSC 200 Green Guard Series

GSC 200 Green Guard Series - Sneeze Guards available in standard or custom shapes and sizes at an affordable price. #sneezeguards #safetydecals #greenguard


Green Signs eco-friendly 3M high resolution digital printed wraps, cutting edge technology and expert installers, we are able to transform any vehicle, in this case a bus, into an eye catching communication tool for your business.

Discovery Senior Living - Dimensional Monument ID - GSC 500 Series

The custom dimensional HDU monument ID signage for this facility was designed to provide a classic, professional and high end look to the entrance that will hold a modern aesthetic for years to come.

Ivy Tech Community College - Trailer Wrap - GSC 100 SERIES

When you place your branding on a mobile unit that travels, you increase your business exposure exponentially! With our eco-friendly 3M high resolution digital printed wraps, cutting edge technology and expert installers, we are able to transform any vehicle, or in this case a trailer, into an eye catching communication tool for your business.

GSC 300 Green Sign Company Series Lindal Group Acrylic Channel Letters & Logo Columbus IN

Lindal Group - Wall Logo & Letters - GSC 300 Series

This sign was made with 1-inch acrylic and finished with automotive grade paint. Although this sign is simple, it makes a huge impact with its clean and modern look.

Dexter Tire - Awnings - GSC 1000 Series

Dexter Tire decided to go with the internally illuminated awnings for the facade of their tire shop. These specific awnings have double lamp high output illumination with an egg crate bottom.

Columbus Bowling - Logo Design -GSC 900 Series

Wexford Apartment - Monument - GSC 800 Series

Green Signs offers a budget-friendly monument style sign that is perfect for an entryway or directional sign. Monument signs are less expensive than brick and have a quicker turn around time.

Ivy Tech College - Channel Letters - GSC 750 Series

These metal channel letters are back with premium LED lighting giving them a nice, clean opaque image of their logo and name and giving the "halo" glow effect at night.

Cummins, Inc. - Channel Letter Logo - GSC 750 Series

One of our favorite types of channel letters at Green Sign Company is the "halo" glow. The interior sign that we created for Cummins, Inc., not only has the "halo' glow but is also internally illuminated with premium LED illumination, giving it an additional ambiance.

4th Street Bar - Custom - GSC 600 / 700 Series

This award-winning, sign design of this retro looking flag mounted sign, is located on 4th Street in downtown Columbus, IN. It is a custom shaped cabinet made from aluminum with internal steel support, exposed bulb and LED lighting, and automotive grade paint finish.

Simmons Winery - Main ID Sign

Simmons Winery - Dimensional Handcrafted - GSC 500 Series

The custom design, handcrafted, CNC routered logo signs with HDU sign panels, relief background, and dimensional letters were made specifically for Simmons Winery. As of 2021, Simmons Winery - 450 North Brewing Co. have done an amazing update on their Main ID! For more details, see the 450 North Post!

MacTac - Architectural Signs - GSC 400 Series

MacTac hired Green Sign Company to design, manufacture and install an all aluminum background sign panel with a hidden shoebox lid and hung with mounting hardware above the entrance of their facility. If you are looking for an inexpensive way to brand the main entrance of your facility, a dimensional logo made from PVC and covered with premium vinyl graphics would be a great option.

Four Season Retirement - Post Panel Architectural - GSC 400 Series

Four Seasons was an interesting project because we had an existing brick structure that was grandfathered in the old sign ordinance. Green Signs was able to save our client money and allowed them to keep the larger signs by designing and manufacturing a sign that mounted over the existing brick structure.

GSC 400 Series Architectural Post Panel Dr Mark A Barr DDS

Dr. Mark A. Barr, DDS - Architectural Post Panel - GSC 400 Series

This custom architectural post panel sign was composed of aluminum faces with an aluminum frame that was painted with automotive grade paint and decorated with 3M vinyl lettering.

Columbus Parks - Dimensional Wall Logo & Lettering - GSC 300 Series

The Columbus Park Foundation dimensional wall logo and lettering was made from routered out aluminum, painted with automotive grade paint and finished with a clear coat for extra protection from the elements.

Faurecia Emmissions Control Technologies - Line Signs - GSC 200 / 300 Series

Faurecia uses line signs in their manufacturing facility to help with production and organization. These budget-friendly, trifold, boards allow changeable magnetic production notes to be added and removed for repeat usage.

Faurecia Emmissions Control Technologies - Etched Vinyl Graphics - GSC 100 Series

We have worked with Faurecia on many different projects over the years so when it came to upgrading their office windows Green Signs designers knew exactly what would fit with their image.

United States Marines - Interior Graphics - GSC 100 / 200 Series

At Green Sign Company we are a proud supporter of our US Military so it was an absolute pleasure to do this job for them. We used high tack, 3M, contour cut, vinyl graphics that we applied to a prefinished wall.

Cummins - LED Sign Conversions - GSC 775 Series

Over the years Green Sign Company has converted multiple signs for Cummins to low voltage LED. These LED conversions not only have a great ROI, they also spread the light evenly giving the sign a more consistent glow.

Sirloin Stockade - Decorative LED Border Lighting - GSC 775 Series

Many restaurants have LED decorative border surrounding their buildings and the Sirloin Stockade is no exception. This specific type of border used to consist of neon lighting but recently has been upgraded on many businesses to LED lighting.

Most affordable banner brackets

Banner Brackets - GSC 110 Series

There are multiple options for hanging banners one of the most affordable ways is using fiberglass rods. If you are looking for a more ornamental look we prefer the rigid decorative metal rods. For the high wind areas, we do suggest that wind slit be cut into the banner and using spring-loaded banner savers to allow your banner to move with the wind.

GSC 600 Series Internally Illuminated Cummins in Columbus, IN

Cummins - Brand Maintenance

Let Green Sign Company help you maintain your brand. We offer night surveys to ensure signs and lighting is properly illuminated and your facility is safe. We also provide yearly cleaning and inspections to ensure your signs and/or lighting is working as it should.


Jackson Place - Awnings - GSC 1000 Series

These colorful awnings are a part of the Green Sign 1000 Series for custom made awnings. The slanted shape, aluminum staple in system frames are covered with premium, long-lasting fabric.


Ivy Tech - Decorative Pole Banners - GSC 110 Series

These heavy-duty, flag mount, dual banners are digitally printed over opaque premium banner material with pole pockets and wind slits for added support. This specific type of banner is mounted over cast aluminum and fiberglass hardware. Green Sign Company can also provide spring-loaded hardware for added value.


Construction Banner / Mesh Fence Cover - GSC 110 Series

Green Sign Company can provide your company with a custom mesh banner to match your construction project. These temporary banners can provide a visible, safety barrier to keep unwanted guests off your construction site.

Cummins, INC. - Internally Illuminated Monument Sign - GSC 600 Series

This internally illuminated monument sign is part of our GSC 600 series. This sign has a custom translucent face with laser cut dimensional acrylic logo and lettering. We also use premium LED illumination to give this sign that special glow.

Snappy Tomato Pizza: Custom Vinyl Graphics

Snappy Tomato Pizza - Vinyl Graphics - GSC 100 Series

There so many things that you can do with Vinyl Graphics, from floor to ceiling. At Snappy Tomato we installed vinyl graphics to the wall and the windows to give this pizza place a little extra pizazz.

Indiana Bank & Trust Mini Cooper - Vehicle Wrap - GSC 100 Series

On this Mini Cooper, our professionals installed top of the line high resolution, 3M vinyl graphics. One of our favorite features of this project is Benjamin Franklin in the window.

Faurecia: Custom Awnings

Faurecia Emmissions Control Technologies - Awnings - GSC 1000 Series

When Faurecia needed custom awnings installed, they contacted Green Sign Company to build and install them in their Columbus, Indiana manufacturing facility. #manufacturing #awnings

GSC 600 Series Internally Illuminated Faurecia Wall Sign Columbus Indiana

Faurecia Emmissions Control Technologies - Internally Illuminated Sign - GSC 600 Series

We have completed many projects for Faurecia over the years, but our favorite is the Internally Illuminated Wall cabinet that we installed. It has a simple sleek design that can be seen from a vast distance.